Senior High Winter Retreat
By Scott A. Fulks
This past weekend I had the priviledge of speaking to my home church youth group at their Senior High Winter Retreat. It has held at the church in which I am currently serving. The title of the weekend was "irace" and was centered on Hebrews 12:1. The 3-part series conducted on Friday night through Sunday morning consisted of the following:
n Remembering our Heroes (Heb. 12:1a)
n Fighting our Unbelief (Heb. 12:1b)
n Contemplating our Christ (Heb. 12:2)
I thank the Lord for an amazing opportunity to speak to my former youth group. My prayer is that each of these kids finish the race that they have begun.
1 Response to Senior High Winter Retreat
Trust this was a beneficial time and that the youth from your home church will take to heart what was taught and learned during that time. Sounds like an interesting series of studies that you were able to give. My heart is always burdened that the youth around the world would grow and be strong in the Lord.
Something to say?