John Owen, the 17th century master-teacher in regard to the monumental fight against sin, has once again taught me another lesson concerning the seat of my sinful depravity that is to be treasured, practiced, and retaught.

"Upon this one hinge, or finding out and experiencing the power and the efficacy of this law of [indwelling] sin, turns the whole course of our lives. Ignorance of it breeds senselessness, carelessness, sloth, security, and pride; all of which the Lord's soul abhors. Eruptions into great, open, conscience-wasting, scandalous sins are from want of a due spiritual consideration of this law. Inquire, then how it is with your souls. What do you find of this law? What experience have you of its power and efficacy? Do you find it dwelling in you, always present in you, exciting itself, or putting forth its poison with facility and easiness at all times, in all your duties, "when you would do good"? What humiliation, what self-abasement, what intenseness in prayer, what diligence, what watchfulness, does this call for at your hands! What spiritual wisdom do you stand in need of!! What supplies of grace, what assistance of the H0ly Ghost, will be hence also discovered! I fear we have few of us a diligence proportionable to our danger."