What are games for anyways?
Of the many minsitries in which I have been involved in at TCBC, I thoroughly enjoyed running the game time of Vacation Bible School. With three rounds of 60 kids a piece, I had my hands full. We had a great time: the kids enjoyed themselves, played new games, and made new friends. But most importantly, VBS was a Christ-exalting ministry. I remember distinctly being introduced to a boy named Samuel, an 11 year-old, who accepted Christ as his Savior. This made every frustrating, trivial, and purposeless moment in directing children's games priceless. The name of Christ was exalted and a young boy sealed his destiny to be in the presence of his God forever. What can be more exciting than this? What can bring greater joy in this boy's heart? What can bring greater rejoicing to the ears of believers?
1 Response to What are games for anyways?
gringo, estoy orando por ti. espero que Dios te siga creciendo y conformando a su imagen cada dia. estos dias ando trabajando y estudiando! mas trabajando que estudiando. saludos a juli. ah, y recibiste mis fotos?
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