Currently, I am reading Thomas Schreiner's New Testament Theology, an newly-released and highly-acclaimed biblical theology on the New Testament. In describing the Centrality of God in the New Testament, he makes a remarkable point:

"We tend to look past what constantly stands in front of us. If we see them every day, we often take for granted verdant trees, stunning sunsets, and powerful waves thundering on the beach. Similarly, in reading the NT we are prone to screen out what the NT says about God himself. God is, so to speak, shoved to the side, and we investigate other themes, such as justification, reconciliation, redemptive history, and new creation." (119)

To beautifully illustrate how often were forget that the dominant subject of Scripture is God Himself, notice these collages of various NT books created by Wordle, a program that generates “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.

I Thessalonians


I Corinthians

What's the Bible all about? I think it's pretty clear: GOD