Salamanca: Days 2 and 3
By Scott A. Fulks
Our time in Spain has been everything that we hoped it would be and more. The Albrights have allowed us to talk with them for hours about their ministry; we have been shown the vast field that Spain is for independent Baptists; we are slowly beginning to understand a people as diverse as any nation in the world.
While in the U.S., one thinks of Europe as a quaint and lovely place to live. When you speak of ministry in Europe, romantic thoughts flood an American's mind. Yet, in the midst of century-old palaces and court-yard cafes, w have been astounded not by the culture of the people but by the people of this culture. Everywhere you turn, there are faces of hopelessness and despair. Faces that reflect a people who live in the glamour and glory of the present and fail to consider the reality and importance of the future. Faces that have indulged in a lifestyle of self-gratification and that mock a life of God-glorification.
The landscape is beautiful. The buildings are monumental. The culture is distinct. Yet, it is the Spanish people that particularly fasten themselves in our minds during this trip. They are a people in desperate need of Christ and of a new life transformed by Him.
3 Responses to Salamanca: Days 2 and 3
i'm praying for you guys.
We're really enjoying hearing about your trip - and all your impressions. Loved the pictures too! We are praying daily for you guys. Keep us posted!
Sounds like God is really opening your eyes there to Spain, the ministry, the lost souls, etc. Praise His Name!
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