Book Review: Culture Shift
Al Mohler's Culture Shift embodies how Christians ought to face the changing political and social landscape with biblical accuracy and spiritual maturity. He stands as a monument that upholds the balance between truth and grace.
Handling issues as abortion, terrorism, education, science, and morality, Mohler attempts to accuratly portray the arguments of the opposition and intends to demonstrate the weaknesses of their proposals in light of biblical truth. It is just as true as ever that the hearts of unregenerate men are blinded to truth. In regards to the abortion debate, Mohler carefully anecdotes the conversations of liberal pro-choicers. In matters concerning morality and its conjunction with politics, he devulges three arguments of secularism before outlining five corrective theses. It is with this that Christians would do well to expose the evils of their age. Rather than the use of slander or misrepesentation, believers ought to faithfully demonstrate how unbiblical ideals and proposals throughout the spectrum of society cannot begin to measure to deeply grounded biblical truth.
More than ever, Christians confront a culture that is wholly different than the biblical utopia. The valiant Christian attempts to understand that all aspects of life, including social, political, educational, and international, deal with profound theological principles. This is the foundation upon which he may stand. Al Mohler succeeds in demonstrating a balance that is needed.
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