"Watch and Pray"
By Scott A. Fulks
A quote from Owen's Overcoming Sin and Temptation has struck me again. It drives me to 'watch' over my heart and to never give up 'watching'.
"Should you go into a hospital and see many persons lying sick and weak, sore and wounded, with many filthy diseases and distempers, and should inquire of them how they fell into this condition, and they shall all agree to tell you such or such a thing was the occasion of it- would it not make you a little careful how or what you had to do with that thing or place? Surely it would. Should you go to a dungeon, and see many miserable creatures bound in chains for an approaching day of execution, and inquire the way and means whereby they were brought into that condition, and they should all fix on one and the same thing, would you not take care to avoid it? The case is so with entering into temptation." p. 221
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