To Joy in the Gospel
By Scott A. Fulks
I can't wait until I am 45. I just turned 23 on Monday, and I cannot wait until I'm 45. My wife has heard me say this a dozen times. I've said it because I have always thought it was the 'prime' age. But now I say it for a completely different reason.
Over the past year and a half, I have grown so much in my understanding of the gospel. I know I am only beginning to see the tip of the iceberg of what Christ has done for me. Yet, each time I speak of the gospel, my whole being delights in what Christ has done for me. I cannot speak of justification, of adoption, of ransom, of sacrifice, of new life without being overwhelmed with a sense of awe and joy in what Christ did in my place. Rarely do I speak of the gospel without a growing obsession to be awestruck with the wonder of the cross.
To what do I attribute this? God's grace. God's mercy. God's reveal Word penetrating my darkened heart even further. I know those around me must find me strange or odd. I speak of the same things that we have all heard over and over. But I cannot speak of them the same as I did just yesterday. It is more amazing to me each day.
And this is why I cannot wait until I am 45. I cannot wait for 22 more years to pass with a deeping and flowering understanding of the gospel. I can only imagine the depth of delight in my heart toward the gospel at that age. Nothing lies as more important. Nothing remains more meaningful. Nothing stands as motivating as the death and resurrection of Christ.
1 Response to To Joy in the Gospel
trust this will be true of us all . . . that we will grow more and more intimate in our relationship with the Lord day by day and moment by moment.
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