Last week I had the priviledge of joining five other men from Tri-County Baptist Church on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic. Our objective was to complete one side of a wall which surrounds a 46-acre property which will serve in the future as a facility for a Christian college, orphanage, baseball ministry, and administrative housing. The goal was sizeable, and the task was completed.
The joy of ministering for a week in the Dominican Republic was found in the people. Men as Jensen, Pastor Felix Mota, Pastor Miguel, and various others were an incredible spiritual encouragement to me.
In addition, this missions trip demonstrated to me more than ever how the gospel should be embodied. Through various opportunities to go out of the way and show kindness at the job site, the unbelievers took notice of our ways. They asked again and again, "You are Christians, right?" Our objective was not to see one come to Christ while we were there, but rather for our testimonies to compliment the gospel proclamation of Pastor Mota who faithfully witnesses by action and word throughout their work, while serving as their boss. 
I am thankful, particularly to Tri-County Baptist Church, for funding and sending me on this trip, and for the opportunity to be a light to those who do not embrace the gospel.
1 Response to The Dominican Republic
Sounds like much was accomplished for God's glory - Praise His Name!
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