I am indebted to Roland Allen, a missions statesman from the early 20th century, in many ways for his missions book entitled The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church: and the Causes that Hinder It. It truly is a phenomenal book that shaped and stated in words what had been mulling in my mind for many years. I have read the book a couple of times and could read it through once again. Yet, I recently read a quote by Roland Allen, that I am not so certain I fully agree with. It reads, "Missionary zeal does not grow out of intellectual beliefs, nor out of theological arguments, but out of love."
The question that must be answered is, "Love for what?" If Allen insinuated that this love which thereby inspires us in our missionary endeavor is centered in people, namely those with whom we share the gospel, then I disagree completely. Our passion in missionary ministry should not and cannot be centered in people. People fail us. People fail us all the time. If our true devotion in ministry bases itself in people, then our devotion will undoubtedly dim.
My curiosity was aroused as to the fuller meaning of this missionary leader's quote. After some searching I found the broader context of his statement. He goes on to say, "If I do not love a person, I am not moved to help him by proofs that he is in need; if I do love him, I wait for no proof of a special need to urge me to help him." He therefore does directly state that this love is centered in others.
To the contrary, I wholly believe that true missionary zeal is found in the very idea which Allen rejects: theological arguments. Because man is comprehensively condemned to an eternity severed from a life with God, I am compelled with great passion to share the gospel. Because the gospel encapsulates the most wondrous and life-changing discovery that any man could find, I am pressed to speak to any man, woman, or child of Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ satisfies beyond any imaginable delight that man could possibly experience, I desire beyond any earthly pursuit to endeavor to impart this gospel to every person who has never claimed the name of Christ in faith. Because faith only comes by hearing, and because hearing comes by the Word of God which must be spoken, I must be the one who goes.
I undoubtedly find that my zeal in missions bases itself not on my love for people, but for my love in a God who reveals truth to me. I can love people; but that will fail. God can impart to me truth; and that will never fail. I must hinge my devotion on His revealed truth, and on it alone.